Cancer will have no place to hide
Myrio Therapeutics (formerly Affinity BIO) is a privately-owned biotechnology company based in Melbourne, Australia. Founded by biotechnology entrepreneurs Ben Kiefel and Matt Beasley in 2009, Myrio started to build and develop the world’s fastest antibody discovery platform. Myrio’s resulting technology, Retained DisplayTM (ReD), has since been tested in campaigns against some of the most difficult diagnostic and lab reagent targets the team could find.In late 2016, industry veteran Pete Smith joined Myrio as CEO, and the team set their sights on developing therapeutic antibodies. Recognizing that ReD is best differentiated by its ability to hit difficult targets, Myrio focused on discovering antibodies specific for pMHCs – thereby enabling cells to be targeted on the basis of their expression of particular intracellular and secreted proteins. Initial screens proved highly successful and Myrio has since gone on to successfully identify high affinity and selective antibodies against numerous pMHCs, possibly more than the rest of the world combined.
Myrio is collaborating with some of the world’s leading institutions, working on a diverse range of targets, including endogenous retroviruses and patient-specific neoantigens. These collaborations have demonstrated the utility of Myrio’s human scFv in bispecific and CAR-T formats. Myrio’s strategy is to work with partners to develop therapeutics against specific targets while also establishing spin-outs or joint-ventures to clinically develop specific assets.
Revolutionizing Immuno-oncology

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Join the MyrioTx Team
We are an ambitious team that is committed to innovating and expanding the clinical potential of the latest discoveries in oncology. Join us in our drive to advance new therapies.
Aliquam ac dui vel dui vulputate consectetur
Mauris accumsan, massa non consectetur condimentum, diam arcu tristique nibh, nec egestas diam elit at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. In non lacinia risus, ac tempor ipsum. Phasellus venenatis leo eu semper varius.
Maecenas sit amet molestie leo. Morbi vitae urna mauris. Nulla nec tortor vitae eros iaculis hendrerit aliquet non urna. Nulla sit amet vestibulum magna, eget pulvinar libero

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non congue sem
Nunc urna libero, congue porta nibh a, semper feugiat sem. Sed auctor dui eleifend,
scelerisque eros ut, pellentesque nibh. Nam lacinia.